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Canyon Lakes Pile Burning Update – 2/25/21

February 26, 2021

Firefighters from the Canyon Lakes Ranger District of the Roosevelt National Forest have been able to take advantage of recent snow and burn just over 500 slash piles, predominately in the Magic Sky 4 “Elk Units.” Burning could take place in the Red Feather Lakes area over the weekend. Next week, firefighters will evaluate conditions at a number of the location listed below to see if burning can take place. Piles are only ignited under certain conditions, including staffing, favorable smoke dispersal and adequate snow cover. The areas are monitored after burning is completed. Public and firefighter safety is always the number one priority in burning operations.

Project areas that could potentially be burned next week include:

  • Stub Creek: 7 hand piles General Location: At the U.S. Forest Service Stub Creek Work Center and south of Glendevy
  • Thompson River 4: 10,500 hand piles General Location: 6 miles east of Estes Park
  • Thompson River 3: 4,200 hand piles General Location: Hwy-36 and Lions Gulch Trailhead, near Estes Park, CO
  • Cedar Park 1: 10,000 hand piles General Location: Hwy-34 and FSR-128 Storm Mountain Road, near Drake, CO
  • Magic Sky 4: 7,000 hand piles General Location: CR-74E and Red Feather Highlands subdivision, east of Red Feather Lakes, CO
  • FSR200 “Roadside”: 18 machine piles General Location: FSR-200 and “Old Roach Area”, south of Wycolo, WY

Areas completed:

  • Magic Sky 4 “Elk Units”: 500 hand piles General Location: CR-86 and FSR-501, near Red Feather Lakes, CO
  • Swampou: 7 machine piles General Location: CR-69 and FSR-171, south of Red Feather Lakes, CO

If you would like to receive regular updates about burning in your area, please contact Reghan Cloudman at reghan.cloudman@usda.gov to get added to the district’s email contact list and information is posted online at http://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/4648/. Prescribed fire smoke may affect your health. For more information see https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/wood-smoke-and-health.